American Boat And Yacht Council (ABYC)
develops the voluntary consensus safety standards for the design, construction,
equipage, maintenance and repair of small craft. Often, ABYC is the only
source of standards for many aspects of the marine industry. The development
of uniform standards is the basis for industry-wide comparisons of products
and performance. ABYC is also a principal source for the development of
international standards, by acting as the administrator for a Technical
Advisory Group which writes standards for the marine industry worldwide.
Information EXCHANGE for Marine Professionals.
This is the web-site for marine professionals to exchange ideas, comments
and information related to the marine industry. Their site is open to
EXCHANGE subscribers only.
Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
is a worldwide leader in providing fire, electrical, and life safety to
the public. Established in 1896, the mission of the international, nonprofit,
member organization is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other
hazards on the quality of life by developing and advocating scientifically
based consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education.
United States Coast Guard (USCG) is
this nation’s oldest and its premier maritime agency. The most visible
mission of the Coast Guard is boating safety. The Federal statutes that
authorize the U. S. Coast Guard to regulate the manufacture of recreational
boats appear in Title 46, United States Code and the safety standards
and regulations applicable to manufacturers of recreational boats and
associated equipment are found in Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations
and Title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
These regulations govern the design and construction
of recreational boats and include manufacturer certification, identification
of boats, display of capacity information, safe loading, safe powering,
flotation, electrical systems, fuel systems, ventilation, start-in-gear
protection, navigation lights, and backfire flame control.
Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety is dedicated to improving
the knowledge, skills and abilities of recreational boaters with the ultimate
goal of reducing the loss of life, injuries and property damage that occur
on US waterways.
Safe Boating Council Inc. was organized
in September 1958 under the name National Safe Boating Committee. The
NSBC presently has a membership of over 290 US and Canadian organizations,
all with an interest in boating safety and education. The NSBC membership
is diverse, with approximately 65% of the membership being nonprofit organizations
and 35% being for-profit organizations. The mission of the NSBC is to
reduce accidents and enhance the boating experience. The NSBC is the foremost
coalition for the advancement and promotion of safer boating through education.

SURVEYORS ASSOCIATION, founded in 1987, is a national society
of dedicated professionals whose mutual goal is to maintain the highest
standards of quality and ethics in marine surveying. They are one of the
4 largest Surveyor Associations in America.
The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) is an independent, non-political organisation promoting the professonalism, recognition and training of marine surveyors worldwide.

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